"Between stimulus and response lies our growth and our freedom.”
— Viktor Frankl"
"To move the world we must first move ourselves.”
– Socrates
Adjunct professor in Leadership Development at TIAS, Founder and Managing Director of OakTreeMe
Verda is an experienced global business leader, executive coach and facilitator.
"I am fascinated with our capacity to grow and
transform. Supporting people to discover their true
potential which often lies concealed within themselves, is the most fulfilling job I can ever imagine."
Training actress, facilitator & coach
Ansje is passionate about real connection. She uses humor and perspective changes to investigate possibilities. She likes to understand choices and then to try them out immediately. She works with a pleasant dose of energy on both an individual and team level.
Ansje is a specialist in the field of Metalog and Theater sport.
Team & executive coach, Trainer and Co-Founder at The Lateral Space
Petros is a leadership and organization development consultant, team facilitator and executive coach. He is primarily coaching senior leadership teams and executives in critical leadership and organizational moments.
His experiences come from 15 years of organizational life in leadership and internal consulting roles at large multinational corporations and has further specialized in organizational intervention work, through academic education and applied qualifications on organization development, psychoanalytic and socio-analytic approaches, group dynamics and systems theory.
Trainer, expert serious gaming & simulation
Maarten is specialized in designing and facilitating live games and simulations for systemic change within and between organisations. Working internationally, the transition towards a sustainable energy system and a sustainable agriculture system captured his interest and imagination. He is also teaching at various Dutch universities on methodologies of systemic change and development.
Team & executive coach, Trainer and Co-Founder at The Lateral Space
Warden is an experienced coach, working with both teams and individuals. He is part of our training team as one the lead trainers for the ABBY program. Having a background in HR leadership at Philips and Unilever he knows how to make the content tangible and directly applicable in participants' professional lives.
Trainer, yoga- and mindfulness teacher & mountain expedition leader
Barbara has a background in strategy consulting and now runs her own businesses in yoga & mediation (Delta Yoga) and training & development (Delta Development), organizing retreats and leading mountain expeditions around the world.
"It's my job to help people use present moment awareness and focused energy to reach their full potential"
Trainer, coach & stress-management and performance expert
Ruud works for the Dutch Police Academy. He is responsible for training team members and executives for the Dutch arrest and intervention teams. He developed a mental resilience program in collaboration with a sports psychologist for increasing mental strength, in which 42,000 police officers will take part.
Trainer, facilitator, video maker & training actor
Remco creates experiences. He tells stories via video, but also is an experienced training actor to help people translate new insights from the intellectual into the experiential domain. Among other things, Remco created the beautiful TLT video's for OakTreeMe.